Bags namely handbags, bags, including wallets, key bags, change wallets, handbags, handbags, backpacks, school bags, satchels, briefcases, tow bags, etc. It is not only used to store personal items, but also can reflect a person’s identity, status, economic status and even personality. A carefully selected leather bag can make the finishing point. It can decorate you as a real female white-collar worker. Use the same bag on different occasions, sometimes it looks incongruous because it doesn’t match with the dress. It is better to prepare several bags for different occasions such as work, leisure and dinner. The bag used at work should be larger, so that more necessities can be stored, but the style must be generous, consistent with the image of work. The style of bags can be roughly divided into single shoulder, double shoulder, diagonal span and hand bag. Scientific analysis shows that from the perspective of labor saving and health, the best is double shoulder bag, followed by cross body bag and single shoulder bag, and the worst is hand bag or bag hanging on the forearm. This is because the double shoulder backpack bears the most uniform force, while the single shoulder backpack needs to bear greater gravity on one side of the shoulder, which is easy to cause high and low shoulder and shoulder pain. The messenger bag can distribute the weight on the shoulder to the back and waist, which is more labor-saving; If you hold the bag in your hand for a long time, your arms and shoulders will become numb and weak; Many other people like to hang the bag on their forearms, and they think it is appropriate and generous. However, if the wrists are in the same position for a long time or overuse the wrist force, it will lead to carpal tunnel syndrome due to repeated chronic fatigue injury. The drifting wooden sail cloth bag design center reminds that in addition to the type of backpack, attention should be paid to the selection of backpack, which should not be too large; Don’t put too many things on your back. It’s better to be relaxed and not oppressive. If there are too many things, they can be packed separately; The wider the straps of double shoulder bag and single shoulder bag, the better. The thin shoulder belt is pressed on the shoulder. The force area is small, and the pressure increases. The muscle strain of the shoulder and neck will be aggravated after a long time.
Cosmetic Bag
1) Delicate and compact appearance: since it is a carry on bag, it should be appropriate in size. Generally, 18cm × The size within 18cm is the most appropriate, and the side should be some width to fit all the items, and it can be put into the big bag without being bulky.
2) Lightweight material: the weight of the material must also be considered. The lighter the material, the less the burden on carrying. The makeup bag made of cloth and plastic cloth is the most lightweight and convenient. In addition, it is better to choose wear-resistant and wear-resistant materials for the skin, and do not have too many decorations, so that it can be used for a long time.
3) Multi layer design: because the items in the cosmetic bag are very small and there are many small things to be placed, the layered design will make it easier to put things in categories. The more and more intimate design of the cosmetic bag even separates the special areas such as lipstick, powder puff, pen like tools, etc. With so many separate storage, it is not only clear where things are placed at a glance, but also protect them from being injured by collision with each other.
4) Choose a style that suits you: At this time, you should first check the types of things you are used to carrying. If most of the items are pen shaped items and flat color plates, then the wide flat and multi layered style is quite suitable; If the bottles and jars are mainly packaged separately, the cosmetic bag with wide side should be selected in shape, so that the bottles and jars can stand at attention, and the liquid in them will not leak out easily.